Budgeting Series

The Budget: Aligning Capital, Company & Customers

This course explores different types of budgeting alignment and lays out how and why all parts of the organization must align effectively and strategically to create an effective budget. Participants learn the technical aspects of the budgeting process, as well as how to communicate clearly with stakeholders.

Agenda Topics

  • Types of alignment and financial models
  • Executing the budget
  • Budgeting tools

Course Length

Three 2-Hour Virtual Sessions or One Full Day In-Person

Learning objectives

  • Align the organization to the budget
  • Tips for executing communication with other parts of the firm
  • Nontechnical tools to assist finance staffs


Capital Budgeting

Capital budgeting is a process for evaluating and ranking the investment opportunities of a firm. This course covers the basics of capital budgeting. Course topics include terminology, time value of money, introductory valuation tools, pro-forma cash flow statement development and analysis presentation. 

Agenda Topics

  • Time value of money
  • The capital budgeter’s decision toolbox
  • Pro-forma cash flow statements
  • The analyst’s deliverable

Course Length

Two 2-Hour Virtual Sessions or One Hald Day In-Person

Learning objectives

  • The impact of capital budgeting on firm value
  • Prepare modern capital budgeting techniques in Excel
  • Build pro-forma cash flow statements in Excel 
  • Prepare a report with assumptions, analyses and recommendations