
The New Normal: Scenario Planning as a Core Part of Your Financial Management Process

Pricing: Complimentary
Credits: 1.2 CTP/CCM | 1.2 FPAC

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In early 2020 most organizations learned that their carefully constructed budgets ceased to be relevant under a climate of uncertainty, leading many to develop plans along multiple scenarios. This session looks at and demonstrates practical ways to incorporate scenario planning best practices an organization’s planning cycle. This includes evaluating possible scenarios, and identifying and assessing a variety of actions, often in a Playbook, to mitigate risks and exploit opportunities. Attendees learn to see different approaches for scenario and action planning while gaining a better understanding of the role of scenario planning in the overall planning cycle.

  • Learn the importance of building effective scenario plans and action playbooks
  • Understand the role of scenario planning in a planning cycle, including financial analysis, budgeting and forecasting

This recording was originally delivered live at FinNext 2021 and is now available to you as a convenient and cost-effective way to support your learning and development while also earning CTP, CCM and/or FPAC credits.

Credits Confirmation
At the conclusion of the recording the accompanying quiz will appear. Once you’ve successfully completed the quiz, you will be prompted to complete a brief Credits Request Form. Following the completion of this form, an email confirmation of credits earned and directions to post your credits in the Recertification Reporting Tool will be sent to you for your records. If you attended the live version of this webinar, you cannot earn credit for the recorded as well.


  • Mitch Max
    Executive Director
    Lionpoint Group
  • Betsy Maclean
    Chair, Audit Committee
    mCloud Technologies
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