Complimentary AFP FinNext Asia Sessions 2021

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Enabling Digital Finance

Digital finance is the awareness of how the finance teams can use data and systems to make better business decisions. This session explores how FP&A can understand the relationship and flow among data, modeling and analysis, then presents an approach to assess whether their current technology toolkit, or “tech stack,” is able to meet today’s business demands. Attendees learn to navigate and comprehend this space in a meaningful and non-technical manner so they can rapidly understand and influence decision-makers on the right solutions for their current and future needs.

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Scenario Modelling for Better Forecasting in Excel

It is critical for FP&A practitioners to be able to apply scenarios to their forecasts, especially while operating during periods of uncertainty. This session demonstrates techniques to reduce uncertainty in decision-making by using practical examples and applying standard spreadsheet functionality already at your fingertips to build scenarios, data tables and Monte Carlo simulations. Additionally, this session provides attendees with best practices to reduce volatility, mitigate risk, and deal with unknowns that may impact decision-making.

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The Roadmap for FP&A Transformation

Creating a digitally enabled FP&A team is part evolution and part revolution. It requires a dramatic change from how finance work is accomplished today, and then maintaining that perspective of continuous change going forward. Based on research and experience, this discussion reviews the key elements to planning and executing a finance transformation, from setting the vision for the future state of the finance team, to creating the roadmap for how to get there. This requires rethinking the structure of FP&A enabled by digital tools, the role of FP&A with the business, and the skills required to execute the transformation and then optimize the new structure. A panel of thought leaders share their expertise, experience and recommendations for creating and executing a digital transformation roadmap.

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New Rules and Roles for Budgeting

The traditional budget has been under attack for years. The long-term trend of technology and data has increased the velocity of data and decision making, allowing for rapid reactions to market information. Separately, in the past year, we have seen how budgets were discarded in the face of the pandemic, a dramatic example of how quickly and completely budgets become obsolete. Should the budget be saved? This panel discussion discusses how budgets are used today, and whether there is still a role for them going forward.